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Connecting NJ Formerly Central Intake

Connecting NJ (formerly Central Intake)

Connecting NJ (formerly Central Intake)

Connecting NJ at Central Jersey Family Health Consortium helps meet the needs of pregnant people, parents, and caregivers with young children from all races and backgrounds to improve their quality of life.  Resource Specialists link parents/caregivers to free or low-cost supportive wellness resources, assists in identifying individual and family needs and provides linkages to appropriate services in their community such as:

  • Health Insurance, medical providers, primary and prenatal care
  • Housing, childcare, early childhood programs
  • Educational information on prenatal health parenting
  • WIC applications and community programs
  • Early Childhood Specialists, Home Visiting Programs, Case Managers, and Community Health Workers
  • And so much more!

Connecting NJ Case Managers provide free and voluntary services to pregnant individuals and families with children aged 0-5 years old experiencing challenging situations. Their goal is to help families connect with appropriate community services. These services can include assistance with care coordination for children and dependents, advocacy, access to social and family services, medical care, and more. Complete a referral form today and email to, or call 1-888-551-6217 get connected to Connecting NJ staff. Connecting NJ Case Managers serve families in Somerset, Hunterdon, Middlesex, and Mercer counties.

Make a referral for Hunterdon, Mercer, Middlesex and Somerset County, by emailing the below form to or by calling our toll-free line at 1-888-551-6217.

Early Childhood Specialist Team

Connecting NJ has Early Childhood Specialists on staff to guide parents during this time and offer tools to support baby’s brain development, build social and emotional skills and encourage language and literacy development.

Family Connects NJ

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