Premature birth is a leading cause of infant mortality. Racial disparities in care lead to higher rates of preterm birth for Black and African American women.
The Prematurity Prevention Initiative’s goal is to reduce the number of babies born too soon and eliminate racial disparities in New Jersey through community and professional education programs.
Educational presentations and resources are available for everyone! Free dynamic sessions highlight preventive care for expecting parents, healthcare barriers, and resources for parents with a history of preterm births.
The Prematurity Prevention Initiative engages all community members and stakeholders collaborating to prevent preterm births – those who are pregnant and their support network, the community at large and the system of health care and social service providers. The Prematurity Prevention Initiative is inclusive, serving all races, ethnicities, sexual/gender identities, income levels and insurance status. While all embracing, the Prematurity Prevention Initiative focuses special attention on those at greatest risk.
Connect to the Prematurity Prevention Initiative's website and Social Media via Linktree.
Contact the Prematurity Prevention Initiative Team: ppi@fhiworks.org
The Prematurity Prevention Initiative is a program of Family Health Initiatives supported with funding from the New Jersey Department of Health. Family Health Initiatives is a subsidiary agency of the Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative.