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The Burke Foundation Launches the Next Centering Funding Opportunity

A Message from The Burke Foundation:

Dear New Jersey Centering Alliance Advisory Group members,

We’re grateful for your support in growing and sustaining Centering across New Jersey — the relationship-based group healthcare model that uniquely incorporates peer learning, community building, and social support to improve the quality of care and outcomes for babies, mothers, fathers, and families. As members of the NJCA advisory group, your insights, thought partnership, and time dedicated to our efforts are invaluable. 

Now we invite your assistance in our ongoing to expand CenteringPregnancy and CenteringParenting to 50 sites, statewide, by 2026. This is part of the Burke Foundation’s strategy, Building Strong Partnerships for Community and Care in the First 1,000 Days, and our ongoing commitment to help reduce health disparities and strengthen the resilience of New Jersey families.

Applications for the next round of funding are due September 8. To help us reach the broadest possible audience for this opportunity, we’re once again asking our friends and allies to share the Request for Applications with your professional networks — including hospitals, Federally Qualified Health Centers,  other community-based health clinics, and private practices with Medicaid patients.

To make this as easy as possible, here are sample tweets, newsletter/blog copy, Facebook/LinkedIn posts, along with social media graphics. Feel free to customize the language as needed.    

We’re proud to have awarded funding to 20 total practices across New Jersey (15 CenteringPregnancy and 5 CenteringParenting sites) since 2019 as part of our expansion efforts and excited to bring the benefits of this model to even more families.

Thanks for considering this request, and please let me know if you have any questions. For information about the Centering model or the application process, please contact Mary Fitzmaurice at