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Get the SHINE Act Passed: A Vital Step Toward Stillbirth Prevention

SHINE for Autumn Act

The Stillbirth Health Improvement and Education (SHINE) for Autumn Act is a beacon of hope for families who have experienced the devastating loss of a child through stillbirth. This federal legislation aims to address the alarming rates of stillbirth in the United States through enhanced data collection, research, education, and awareness. But time is running out for us to make a final push to get the SHINE Act passed in Congress.

Stillbirth is a tragic event that affects about 23,500 families in the U.S. each year. Many of these losses are preventable, yet stillbirth remains a largely underfunded and under-researched public health issue. The SHINE Act provides a comprehensive solution to this problem, focusing on prevention through the collection of critical data, improving education for healthcare providers, and increasing public awareness to help save lives.

Why We Need SHINE

The SHINE Act, S. 2647, is not just a bill—it’s a lifeline. By gathering data on stillbirths and identifying patterns that could lead to prevention, SHINE will help address the root causes of stillbirth, such as maternal health disparities and access to quality care. It also mandates educational programs that will train healthcare professionals to better support families and recognize early warning signs, ultimately reducing stillbirth rates.

Passing this legislation is the first step toward long-term change, and we need your help to make it happen.

Take Action: Make Your Voice Heard!

Here’s what you can do:

Call your Senators and Representatives today and urge them to pass the SHINE Act. Your voice matters, and every call brings us closer to getting this crucial bill passed.

Use the script below to place a quick call to Senator Booker’s office and your House Representative’s office:

Phone in your support!

Use the script below to place a quick call. These calls are extremely effective and take 30 seconds or less! You can always leave a voicemail after hours!

Senator Booker’s Office #: 202-224-3224

Find your House Representative Here.

For Senator Booker:
Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am a constituent of Senator Booker. I’m calling today to express my support for the bipartisan SHINE for Autumn Act, S. 2647, and to thank him for championing the issue of stillbirth in the 118th Congress. Please let him know that we must get SHINE passed this year, and that I appreciate his help in making sure this happens. Thank you for taking my call!

For Your House Representative:
Hello- My name is _____ and I'm a constituent of [Congressman/Congresswoman]. I’m calling today to express my support for the bipartisan SHINE for Autumn Act, H.R. 5012 and to kindly ask [him/her] to cosponsor this lifesaving bill. I hope we can count on their support. Thank you for taking my call!


Why Your Call Makes a Difference

Legislators want to hear from their constituents, and a simple phone call can be one of the most effective ways to show your support. Even if it’s after hours, leaving a voicemail is just as impactful. Calls like yours are how we build momentum and remind lawmakers of the urgency of the issue.

Let's Shine a Light on Stillbirth Prevention

The SHINE for Autumn Act is the beginning of a longer-term solution to prevent stillbirths. By making these critical calls, you can help ensure this legislation gets the attention it needs to pass. Together, we can save lives, support grieving families, and create a future where no family has to endure the tragedy of stillbirth.

Don’t wait—make your call today and help us get the SHINE Act passed. Together, we can make a difference.