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CJFHC Holds Annual Meeting 2023

CJFHC Holds Annual Meeting 2023

On September 21, 2023, Central Jersey Family Health Consortium held its Annual Meeting to review accomplishments achieved during fiscal year 2023 (FY23)with board members, staff and community partners. The Consortium served more than 119,000 clients, double the number of clients served in 2021, and 62,000 families. 27,000 referrals were made connecting families to services they need to thrive, and 534,335 materials and resources were distributed to families including educational materials, safety items, and essential items. Revenue for the year 2022 increased by 21% as compared to 2021. Much of this increase was due to residual COVID related grant dollars from DOH as well as new programming opportunities.

CJFHC delivered in all areas of its strategic plan, most notably in Health Equity and Education. 2022 saw preterm births among black birthing people decreased in the Consortium’s service regions from 135 per 1,000 births to 121 per 1,000 births. Low birth rate decreased from 130 per 1,000 births in 2019 to 113 per 1,000 births in 2022. In Education, the Consortium facilitated 1,313 educational trainings with 16,828 participants from varying professional fields. In addition to providing professional education, CJFHC provided 3,896 hours of technical assistance to clinical providers, care centers, and community agencies.

CJFHC had the honor of having prominent speaker, Keva White, give the keynote address on the Provocative Nature of "Poor" Social Welfare Policies. Mr. White spoke on how social work policies impact socio-economic oppression in the U.S., particularly for African American families, and how that impact is still felt today.

In looking back on the past year, CEO Robyn D'Oria reflects, "[W]e have much to celebrate and to be proud of as we continue our commitment to improving the health and well-being of birthing people, children, and families in our communities. This report is a testament to the dedication, compassion, and hard work of our incredible team, partners, volunteers, and supporters...There are still challenges ahead, and new opportunities to make a difference in the lives of the people we serve. We are more determined than ever to press forward with our mission and continue striving for excellence in maternal and child health."

Board President Kathy Mahoney looked forward to what FY24 will bring, saying, "As we embark on another year of service, I invite each of you to join us in the journey. Together, we can make an even greater impact and ensure that every mother, child, and family in Central New Jersey has the opportunity to lead a healthy and fulfilling life."

Read the Annual Report Here

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