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Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) is an evidence-based, interprofessional, and multidisciplinary training program that equips the entire maternity care team with skills to effectively manage obstetric emergencies. This comprehensive course encourages a standardized team-based approach amongst physicians, residents, nurse midwives, registered nurses and other members of the maternity care team to improve patient safety and positively impact maternal outcomes.


1. Discuss methods of managing pregnancy and birth urgencies and emergencies, which standardizes the skills of practicing maternity care providers.
2. Demonstrate content and skill acquisition as evidenced by successful completion of online course examination, skill workstations, and group testing stations.
3. Provide safe team leadership through various emergency obstetric scenarios.
4. Demonstrative effective team communications strategies focusing on patient safety.


Learners will be provided an e-mail that includes next steps and the ALSO Online Course URL. Content consists of a pre-test; recorded lectures; online case studies; workstation demonstrations; post-test and a course evaluation. Learners MUST CLAIM CREDIT to automatically register as 'Complete' and qualify to attend the Live Course.
There are NO REFUNDS once the course link has been e-mailed to participants.


The ALSO Course Sponsor is responsible for submitting the post-course Dashboard within one week after the Live course. After this submission, the Learners will receive an e-mail with a link which will direct them to their AAFP account where they will find their Letter of Participation and those who successfully pass the course will also find their Wallet Card with their three-year status period dates.